Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What I've Learned...

I have learned that good deeds come in many different forms. There are so many ways to help others. I have found one way. I hope you do, too. The world needs more good deeds.

I have learned that nothing is more important than family. Treasure them. Love them. Hug them tight. You never know when they won't be there anymore. They are the best link to your past and the greatest bridge to your future.

I have learned that good friends--truly good friends--are a rare gift in life. Treasure them, too.

I have learned not to take things for granted.

I have learned that, unfortunately, you can't trust everyone. You might not even be able to trust people you think you can trust. But that's okay. Because those few people that are truly worthy of your trust would never, ever break it. And the genuine trust of a few is more valuable that the uncertain trust of many.

I have learned that you really should eat your vegetables. And wear sunscreen.

I have learned not to sweat the small stuff. Life is too short.

I have learned that it is possible to find the love of your life at the young age of 16. I'm living proof of that one.

I have learned that you should work to live, not live to work.

I have learned that with age comes maturity, open-mindedness, compassion, and grace. I am the same person I was 10 years ago. But I'm a much better version.

I have learned that nothing--and I mean nothing--gives me more pure, unadulterated, perfect joy than my children. My cup runneth over.

1 comment:

  1. I have learned never to leave my sorority house in a fit of rage (even though years later I deny it had anything to do with that) asking my boyfriend to climb on the roof and remove the house letters only to dump them in the nearest trash can. In retrospect, I should have just taken the table and left the letters.
